Here below are my paying Text ad exchanges. What are text ad exchange or TAE, it is where you can send soloads to all the members of the site. There is no denying that soloads works best. Some sites offers Super Solo Ads, where they send your email advertisement to many sites with more than 5,000 some even more than 10,000 members for a very small fee. You can also have your banners, affiliate links posted in the site and members can view it. Here below, are my TAEs which have paid me. They are all free to join. The latest payments are always the first. So check here from time to time to see what sites are legitimate paying sites. Click the name or banner to join free.

check payment proofs:
4th payment $7.07
3rd payment $19.40 --- 2nd payment $8.25 --- 1st payment $5.01
This site pays both through paypal or alertpay. My first payment was through alertpay, the 2nd and 3rd payment i requested it that i be paid through paypal, and I received paypal payment, very nice.
This site is free to join. Click soloads and earn points and cash while viewing it. They also have PTC now. Go pro for a small amount of $10.00 that's lifetime already, so why not try it. Because pro here earns more in credits and cash by clicking soloads and PTCs than free members. Maximize your earning and go pro if you can afford it.
Minimum payout is $5.00 only, so easy to reach especially if you are a pro member.
Their soloads are sent to more than 10,000 members (11 sites participating in all), great way to advertise your promotional emails, think of all those prospects. I have had many sign-ups here just sending soloads regularly, they are sent to all members of the site.
Here is how you will earn there...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~AdzQuik - Received my 5th payment of $13.20 instantly, never failed to pay on time. This time I requested payment through paypa. I have noticed on my two cashouts by paypal here, that paypal gets too high service fee for receiving payments. Advertising results and prompt payments, that is what you will get here at Adzquik.

check payment proofs:
4th payment $7.07
3rd payment $19.40 --- 2nd payment $8.25 --- 1st payment $5.01
This site pays both through paypal or alertpay. My first payment was through alertpay, the 2nd and 3rd payment i requested it that i be paid through paypal, and I received paypal payment, very nice.
This site is free to join. Click soloads and earn points and cash while viewing it. They also have PTC now. Go pro for a small amount of $10.00 that's lifetime already, so why not try it. Because pro here earns more in credits and cash by clicking soloads and PTCs than free members. Maximize your earning and go pro if you can afford it.
Minimum payout is $5.00 only, so easy to reach especially if you are a pro member.
Their soloads are sent to more than 10,000 members (11 sites participating in all), great way to advertise your promotional emails, think of all those prospects. I have had many sign-ups here just sending soloads regularly, they are sent to all members of the site.
Here is how you will earn there...
- by clicking solo ads, traffic links, browsing html ads
- by clicking ptc ads - free members 0.005 / pro members - 0.01
- commissions - free members 10% / pro members 35%
click banner to join, its free
Sign-up bonus is 500 points on joining
Sign-up bonus is 500 points on joining

An ad exchange, promo here is free PRO till we reach 1,500 members, so get in now. PRO members earn more. Send soloads to more than 1,000 members here, way to get your products, affiliate and reflinks promoted. Soloads works best. Try their super soloads, your ad/email will be sent to 11 sites with a total combination of 6,700+ members for only $5.50.
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